Top ten brands that connect emotionally with consumers

December 23, 2019
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Every intelligent marketing manager knows how difficult it is to create quality emotional marketing. That is why brands that connect emotionally with consumers and manage to convey all kinds of feelings are rare. Professionals tend to focus on their conversion rates, impressions, bounce rates and offers, forgetting the emotional appeal of advertising.

According to PsychologyToday, people react much better to the emotional parts of the ads compared to the linear texts. In fact, ads that convey strong emotions are more likely to become viral and generate better results.

There is data that reveals that the most shared ads are based on emotional content, which includes happiness, the feeling of friendship and inspiration.

Mariano Rodríguez, from LawRank, points out that if you want people to share and buy, you need to improve your PPC campaign by using emotional advertising. “This is an effective way to boost your campaign goals.”

Brands that connect emotionally with consumers

Before moving on to case studies, you need to know what emotional marketing means. But it is also important that you understand the role that feelings play in decisions. If you work in marketing, you cannot afford to ignore this element.

In a study conducted at the University of Southern California, researchers found that people with poor performance in the emotional region of their brains could think critically, but could not make any decisions. This is because they did not understand how they felt about the different choices they faced.

The way we perceive happiness, sadness, fear and anger determines how we make some of our most complicated decisions. For example, in the world of marketing, it is said that:

  • Happiness is equal to more shares. Scientists have discovered that positive emotions are more likely to convince humans to share, retweet and mention their friends, compared to negative feelings.
  • Meanwhile, sadness generates more clicks. Words with negative connotations generally lead to a higher click rate.

However, there are many more emotions. Brands that connect emotionally with consumers generate other feelings. Surely you know more than one case.

1.- Coca-Cola transmits happiness

Brands that connect emotionally with consumers are often looking to be associated with smiles, laughter and positivism. According to a New York Times survey, the articles that are most shared, as the case may be, are positive or have a certain emotional appeal.

Positive advertising helps to generate greater engagement. Coca-Cola is one of the many brands that connect emotionally with consumers thanks to that feeling.

For example, Coca Cola’s “Choose Happiness” campaign was a great case in which it is shown how to use emotions to connect with the public. The campaign itself encouraged consumers to share happy memories and experiences that made them feel happy during that summer.

2.- MetLife uses sadness to connect with the audience

Among the brands that connect emotionally with consumers is MetLife Hong Kong. It should be noted that brands gradually acknowledge the power of emotional content. So more and more companies have focused on creating inspiring and emotional ads.

MetLife Hong Kong produced this heartbreaking announcement where a daughter describes all the things she loves about her father. However, the beautiful story is broken when it also describes all the lies in their relationship.

Storytelling is one of the most powerful means to be able to create campaigns that really hook the user. People remember stories and not statistics. Good stories are those that impact our emotions and help us feel empathy.

3.- Always generates anger in the consumer

Always also connects emotionally with consumers, a feminine hygiene company that appeals to anger to impact the consumer.

The use of anger in ads makes people angry or upset about situations. Such as politics, environmental problems, political candidates, social causes, etc.

Brands that use this emotion want to encourage people to solve important situations and reconsider their perspective. They want to show a general situation and demonstrate how it can be changed for the better thanks to the positivity and certain actions.

For example, the Always campaign ‘Like a Girl’ uses a famous offense to attract more attention and encourage women to share their stories. In the same way, it invites them to share the difficulties they face when playing sports or in any other situation.

4.- Ad Council thrills with surprise

Ad Council is a brand that connects emotionally with consumers through its campaigns. The element of surprise and the fact of dealing with issues such as diversity, gender equality or breaking down barriers against homophobia or racism, makes the brand a reference as far as emotional campaigns are concerned.

5.-  World Wildlife Fund transmits fear

Fear is a positive marketing tool, mainly to be able to build customer loyalty. Fear causes people to carefully research some areas and find that, if no action is taken, something bad can happen.

Fear helps to grow and prevent people from falling into bad habits such as alcohol abuse, drug abuse or smoking.

In this case, among the brands that connect emotionally with consumers is World Wildlife. The company uses fear in its campaign to raise awareness about the effects of global warming. It is a great example of how to use good visual content for social marketing.

The image clearly shows that climate change will change you and your descendants if you don’t take steps to stop it.

6.-  Children of the World connects through sadness

Generating negative emotions, such as sadness, helps brands create empathy. Brands that connect emotionally with consumers through sadness have noticed the effectiveness of using emotional content.

Especially since public awareness is created on social issues such as violence, gender equality, immigration, etc.

However, it is essential to maintain balance when creating such ads. You do not want to annoy your audience and evoke negative feelings or your own brand to create those situations. However, these emotions should be responsible for motivating people to act and donate money to improve the situation.

For instance, Children of the World promoted the campaign Help Me Read This to improve children’s literacy in New Delhi by sharing real stories and cases like the one in the example.

7.- Heineken connects with the audience through empathy

Heineken explored the importance of empathy in its 2017 marketing campaign, “Worlds Apart”. And they did based on a social experiment that put two people with opposite opinions in a room, trying to discover if they could get along.

The ad got high levels of unprecedented engagement in social networks, achieving 3 million visits on YouTube just 8 days after launch.

8.- Metro Australia connects through humor, disgust, and despair

Such is the beauty of the song “Dumb Ways to Die” by Metro, that when the message strikes you, you almost feel cheated by a false sense of comic security.

Teaming up with the famous gaming brand Dumb ways to die, the 2012 campaign plays with various feelings such as disgust and public despair. In this way, the importance of rail safety is highlighted. The song has received more than 176 million visits on YouTube so far.

9.- Nike connects through leadership

Consumers want to be the first ones to try new products or services. Brand specials appeal to the emotional trigger related to leadership. Which causes Nike’s customers to feel like they are “the first ones”

However, Nike is one of the best brands that connect emotionally with consumers. Do you remember the famous Nike campaign “Just Do it”? It is a great example that demonstrates the emotional trigger that cultural leadership has.

10.- Amazon Flex connects with the consumer by generating pride

This emotion is aimed at all consumers who want to appear intelligent and be proud of taking good decisions. That’s why Amazon is one of the brands that connect emotionally with consumers in a subtle and intelligent way.

It is not easy to use this emotion because each person has different needs and desires. If you want to use this emotion you need to carry out deep market research.

As you can see, there are multiple marketing strategies that will help you connect with your audience. Regardless of whether it is thanks to the use of emotions or thanks to your power of personalization.

However, launching your ideas may be something that will attract you even more. Antevenio can help you in your branding process, performance marketing and loyalty to stay in the top sales.

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