15 advantages of building a community around your brand

May 28, 2019
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Advantages of building a community around your brand

Having a community around your brand is one of the most powerful tools a company can use today. If you are not yet sure what this means, here you will find some of the advantages of building a community.

Having a community of followers is an excellent marketing tool for a brand and it improves customer loyalty, construction of an audience, and long-term social exchanges.

Social networks

An example of community

A company manufactures products for the care of babies. They have a website with information and photos of their products. However, the competition establishes a global digital marketing strategy and creates:

  • website that serves their buyer persona.
  • An online social community for fathers and mothers to discuss common topics.
  • A blog.
  • Content on social networks, messages, updates for events, venues, contests, rewards and promotions for their baby care products.

Is not it obvious which one was most successful online? One built its site with the only objective of having a presence on the network, while the other built a community for its users. The benefits of a community building exercise like this are many. Here are 15 advantages of building a community:

1.- It improves SEO in a natural way

Improve SEO

If you have a community that creates content around your brand and interact with each other, this will improve your SEO. The more each post or publication is shared and the more it moves around the network, the better it will be positioned by search engines.

This is not something that happens overnight. It is a slow process, but it has great advantages. Search engines will consider your content as relevant and they will publish it among their first search results.

2.- In the community, interaction is encouraged

If you have a community, the interaction among users is encouraged. In this way, communication between client and company will also be encouraged, and you will be able to maintain a more solid relationship.

To encourage interaction, it is advisable to offer incentives to members of the community. This helps to ensure they continue to interact on the site, writing comments, or even sharing posts.

3.- Improves your web traffic

Most likely, users will visit your blog and social platforms more often than your corporate website. Knowing this, you can carry out actions in your web that create traffic and position it better.

But, if you do not have an ecommerce strategy or something similar, users tend to visit your website only in the beginning and only to search for information. If you do not use this type of actions, your website will be obsolete.

4.- It gives personality to brands


Branding is another advantage of building a community. Having an online community gives personality to brands. Through your posts, you show yourself, and your community likes it.

It is a way of demonstrating what your values, ethics and way of working are. The users will identify with you and your identity. That is one of the most valuable advantages of building a community.

5.- You get customer loyalty

Visitors will begin to associate with the brand and there will be a strong level of adherence. Some members even become brand ambassadors and broadcast its benefits in social networks.

The best thing is to have quality followers instead of massive volumes of followers. Like this, those who are with you, will always be. Additionally, they will add value to your products and they will trust you and recommend what you do to their friends in the network.

6.- You will gain brand visibility

The bigger your community, the more your brand will move. More people will talk about it, and even more people will be interested in what you do out of curiosity.

This is your opportunity to find new or potential clients. This visibility gives you an opportunity to connect with new people. You should take advantage of it.

7.- You will meet your target audience

Focus target

If you carry out surveys, ask your community about their tastes, and take them into account, you will earn their loyalty; but you can also get to know them better. Your community is a reflection of your buyer persona.

Use this information to adapt your products and your brand to this community. Sometimes, they will determine the path you should take, guaranteeing your success. For this, you have to know your users.

8.- Other brands will want to do business with you


If you are on the top, collaborations and business will increase. More brands and people will want to make deals with you.

It may be that users want to collaborate on your blog (guest blogging) or influencers will want to work with you. You have to make sure that these people must adapt to and share your brand’s philosophy. If not, your strategy will not work.

9.- You can extract and analyze data


With the correct analysis tools, you must analyze the data you obtain. This will help you continue with the planning of the strategy you are executing.

You can have information regarding search trends, the keywords that members of your community are looking for, which cities and countries give you more traffic etc. Take your time to analyze them and draw conclusions.

10.- You will create defenders for your brand

Creating advocates is another advantage of building a strong brand community. These are loyal customers who advertise your products for free.

This is what happens with brands such as Apple or Nike. On many occasions, the users praise their product by posting photos on their social networks. They are users and sellers of the products and they also advertise them. Once you have created a brand advocate, you will have the most loyal consumer of all.

11.- You will gain brand reputation

A strong brand community is a great help for your business’ reputation. It will help you pave the way for launching new products, expanding to new markets or even creating new offers.

When your brand community is strong, there will always be somebody supporting your initiatives. You will have people endorsing your initiatives, and you will even access people or brands for new collaborations, as we have analyzed before, which in turn, will give you more autonomy to keep growing.

12.- They will see you as a leader


When you have a strong brand community, you increase your business’ capacity. You will be considered a leader in the market. If your community is large, your followers will be many and very faithful.

If most people want your product, you are the sector’s leader. You will be recognized as a strong and solid brand with identity. This means you will be look upon by other companies.

In this way, you can create synergies, agreements or collaborations. This places you between business potential and business possibility.

13.- You will be a role model for the sector

Being a role model in the sector will give you leadership. This relates to what we have analyzed in the previous point. If you are a leader, you are a role model, and the other way around.

Whatever you do will be praised, and you will always have on top of things. You must always try to be innovative, to surprise your users with new products and new marketing actions. Whatever you do must be something new.

We are not talking about being a role model only because of your products. You can also be a role model for the way in which you manage your campaigns, or you how your treat your users, or because of your social network strategy.

14.- Your new products will have a faster reception

Any product or service you offer will have a better reception. Your community will take care of it. You will have a group of people who love what you do and who will always support you.

That is why you should take care of this people. For example, offer them gifts when launching new products, or even offer them the opportunity to try them out before launching them on the market. Any action of this kind will increase the chances of your product being successful among users.

15.- It gives you the opportunity to be yourself

Another advantage of building a community is being successful and being able to be natural. If your community is faithful and loyal to you, it is because you have always shown specific values ​​and principles.

In turn, this gives you the opportunity to always remain yourself. Never change and stay firm in your beliefs. That will make you even more authentic.

Keep believing in what you started and do not lose your way. Antevenio will help you mark your identity and work along that line. With the advantages of building a community, Antevenio will help you to create a global brand strategy, with real and effective solutions. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

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